Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday, September 15

 Every experience is a learning opportunity.! Today I noticed the friends struggling to keep their hands to themselves as we walked in the line.  When we arrived in our classroom, I shared what I noticed with the friends and asked them what we could do to solve the problem.  We discussed appropriate line choices.  I asked the friends how we could remember appropriate choices.  "We could make a sign!"  We then worked to decide what the sign should say.  The friends decided "no bumping" would work best.  We engaged in phonemic awareness practice as we listened to the beginning sounds in the word 'no' and the word 'bumping.'  

This rich, meaningful experience addresses many learning domains including social development, phonemic awareness, and engaging with print. 

We then engaged in some interactive writing.  We know so much about butterflies and moths now that we are going to make a class book! 

Playground work 

Working on the hill 

In the outdoor classroom the friends incorporated writing into their play! 

We then saw a butterfly on our flowers!  We have been praying that a butterfly would visit our flowers!  We were able to see the proboscis go into the flower to drink the nectar!  As we observed, we used the vocabulary we have learned (proboscis, chrysalis, cocoon, antennae, etc.) 

"I see his proboscis!" 

"Where is the chrysalis?" 

"Did he just come out of the chrysalis?" 

"His wings are down!  He's not resting!" 

Working together to build towers.  The friends assigned roles in their tower building.  "We need a stabilizer.  Who can stabilize the tower?" 

"Can someone track how tall it is?" 

"We need a counter!" 

After lunch we practiced writing our names. 

We explored shapes with the pattern blocks. 

We also read books and wrote on our clipboards. 

During our nature walk we went to observe the caterpillars by the kindergarten classroom.  The friends immediately noticed that they were bigger!  We learned not to touch the white ones because they are poisonous! 

One of the friends noticed a caterpillar crawling on the ground.  Some of the friends wanted to observe it up close, so we sat down and took turns holding the caterpillar.  This was a great opportunity for an hands on experience and research! I documented the friends questions and comments.  We will use these as a basis for our further explorations and research. 

"He is so fast!" 

"I think he's looking for nectar!" 

"Will he build a chrysalis?" 

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