Tuesday, May 21, 2019

We had a great day in school!  The chilly morning didn't stop us from having a great time on the playground! 

On the way in from outside, we checked on the baby birds in the grill.  We noticed that they have gotten big!  The baby birds flew out of the grill and caused a lot of excitement!  We all had a good laugh at how scared I was about the birds flying right by me. 

Back in the classroom we practiced letter recognition, letter sound correspondence, and letter formation. 

The friends also enjoyed expressing creativity as they painted. 

"We are pretending that I am the sister and my dad bought me a cat, but I'm not allowed to see it yet." 

During Jesus time we helped remind our Zippy puppet that God is always with us, even if we can't see Him! 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Happy birthday Madelyn! We are so thankful that God brought you here to Our Shepherd! 

Outside time 

During small group time we made a movie theater to watch the movie we made to close our 
Plant Project! 

Our eighth grade buddies came to watch too! 

After rest and working on our play plans, we went outside to explore in the outdoor classroom. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

This morning we started our day singing some songs and finger plays to increase our phonemic awareness and number concepts. 

Outside time 

Some friends continued singing and practicing number concepts! 

We praise God for all of the beautiful nature He has blessed us with here at Our Shepherd!

During small group time we worked together to create a cross collage. 

On the playground one of the friends found a perfect example of a seed!  It was an acorn that had sprouted.  We were able to see the roots, the seed, and the stem! 

The friends drew pictures and labeled the acorn. 

They were proud of their work so they hung it on the table! 

We continued to practice important math and social skills as we played chutes and ladders. 

Free choice time