Friday, March 24, 2017

Happy Friday!

Some of the friends chose to participate in  Pajama Day today! 

(Do you think Mrs. Lipsey participated? ;) ) 

Some friends chose to bring in their stuffies as a part of pajama day.  Many of the friends drew pictures of their stuffies! 

CP was the library volunteer today!  He stayed during morning free choice to play with us. 

Look! More of our seeds have sprouted! 

Flower shop play!

Thank you CP for bringing in fun books and reading to us! 

After library and snack, our 8th grade buddies and the preschool class came to play in the flower shop.  Our friends taught the different roles of the flower shop and lead the others in knowing how to play in the flower shop.

Owen showed his chapel buddy how to do a still life drawing! 

Outside time! 

Back in the classroom, the 5th grade, 2nd grade, and 1st grade visited our flower shop too!  (in 10 minute increments :) )

This helps us to practice leadership skills as we show the new friends what we do in the flower shop.  It also helps scaffold our play as the older classes naturally have deeper imaginary play.  Finally, it deepens our community as a school here at Our Shepherd! 

Making cards for the bouquets

During Jesus time, we acted out the story of Jesus riding in on a donkey on Palm Sunday! We remembered that Jesus came to be our Savior!  Because of His death and resurrection on the cross, our sins are forgiven! 

During second free choice and second small groups the 4th grade, kindergarten, and 3rd grade visited the flower shop! 

Second outside time