Friday, December 18, 2020

Merry Christmas!  

We had so much fun popping the popcorn for our party! 

We then headed to the "movie theater" to watch our movie 

We then played a game of who is in the present box!  

Our first item in the present box is the best gift of Christmas - Jesus Christ our Savior! 

Each friend then had a turn to "hide" in the box and we guessed who was in the box.  I shared that everyone in our class is a gift and we are all children of God! 

After lunch we went outside! 


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Mr. Joel Marquardt led our chapel today!

We remembered that Jesus was born to be our Savior! 

We then suited up to go outside! 

After snack we went to work!  We finished our top secret gifts for our moms and dads too! 


Wednesday, December 16, 2020


This morning, after our morning routines, we looked to see how many items were in the jar.  We are practicing subitizing.  Subitizing is when you are able to see how many items without counting each individual item.  

Math researchers have identified the ability to subitize as an important part of developing basic number sense skills. They’ve discovered that when young children can see numbers in patterns, they also have stronger number sense skills overall.

We then counted the items and wrote how many we had!  

We showed 3 with our fingers.  I challenged the friends to use two hands.  This is something you can do at home too! This helps the friends understand that numbers can be composed of different numbers and decomposed to make other numbers. 

"Show me three fingers, but use two hands."

After some hard work getting ready to go outside we enjoyed the snow! 

After snack the friends went right to work on Christmastown! 

Although it might seem as though the friends aren't accomplishing much as they work on Christmastown, there is so much value in their work, and the friends are practicing many valuable skills.  They are using their find motor skills as they cut the wrapping paper and tape.  They are working together to decide who will hold, who will cut, and who will tape.  They are practicing keeping their friends safe as they hold their scissors safely when not in use.  

After lunch we took a walk to look at the manger scene!  We retold the story of Jesus' birth as we looked at the beautiful manger scene!