Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Merry Christmas!  See you on January 4th! 

Free choice after chapel before the party

Thank you to everyone who helped make our party a success!  I am so thankful for all of our wonderful families! 

Singing our songs :) 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Happy half birthday Karissa!  We are so thankful that you are in our class! 

Morning free choice

We often engage in meaningful writing practice as we play!

Gym time

During small group time Mrs. Zwettler worked with the friends on letter recognition and letter sound correlation.

Independently, the friends practiced writing on the write and wipe boards.

With me, the friends played a positional word memory game.  This game not only increases positional word use, but also helps strengthen visual discrimination which is a key skill for future reading. 

During Jesus time we sang praises to God!  We thank God for sending Jesus to be our Savior! 

Second free choice

We were able to take a walk outside today! Yay! 

During second small group time we played the memory matching game with positional word cards. 

We also practiced writing with the write and wipe boards.

With Mrs. Lipsey, we practiced our letters and sounds.