Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Today in Jesus time we reviewed the story of Jesus blessing the children.  Jesus always welcomes us with open arms!  :) 

During small group time we designed our own stamps.  

We also practiced counting with one to one correspondence and recognizing numbers as we "bought" stamps from Mrs. Zwettler. 

Independently, the friends created in the blocks.

The friends also practiced recognizing and writing letters/words wrote in their journals. 

Outside time

Free choice time 

Exploring books 

"This makes it go all the way down! It is heavy!" 

The friends wrote their own morning message during free choice time too. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

During Jesus time we learned the story of Jesus blessing the children.  We learned that we may feel unloved sometimes, but Jesus never stops loving us!  He invites us to come to Him!  He loves us so much that He died not the cross and rose again!  

During small group time we practiced number identification and counting with one to one correspondence as we "bought" stamps with Mrs. Zwettler. 

Independently, the friends worked to write in their journals. 

With me, we observed a stamp and drew what we saw.  I wrote down the friends observations too. 

"There is a letter S on here."  

"It looks like a sticker." 

Praise God for nice weather so we can go outside! 

Free choice time 

Creation station work increases fine motor growth and creative thinking. 

"I found a book about letters!  Like our mailbox here!" 

Some of the friends created their own cooperative game.  The friends showed inhibitive control as they stayed in their given role the entire time of the game.  For example, the "dog" in the game never talked, but only barked.  Inhibitive control is an important part of executive function! 

"E-l-l-a.  Look I wrote your name for you!" 

Our leader of the day reviewed the alphabet for us.  Keep reviewing letters with your children as you drive in the car and look out the window, as you read books, or as you go shopping.  Practice the sounds they make too.  Practice makes permanent.  :) 

Whoops!  I forgot to take pictures of outside time and our fire drill.  :(  The friends did a great job during the fire drill! 

Second free choice time 

Part of early childhood education is learning how to solve social conflicts.  The friends were trying to figure out how to share the sparkly items in the creation station.  Here are some of their solutions: 

"Maybe we can each take a few." 

"Maybe we could leave it in the middle so we all can reach them." 

It is so fun to see the friends develop friendships.  :) 

These friends counted our 24 marbles.  :) 

"I wrote to and from." 

During small group time the friends practiced writing. 

They practiced counting with one to one correspondence and number recognition. 

With Mrs. Helmkamp the friends practiced rhyming. 

We also explored shapes as we explored magnetic tiles.