Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Happy Birthday Estelle!  
We are so thankful that God brought you to our class!! 

Outside time 

During small group time we observed a snake plant (sometimes called mother in law's tongue) and re-potted it. We discussed how the roots would grow new shoots for the plant to continue to grow. 

The friends also drew what plants need to survive.

With Mrs. Dohrman, we worked on a top secret project for our Moms! 

The friends want to have a plant sale!  We made a list of the things we need for the sale.

Free choice time 

The friends went straight to selling plants. 

"First you need the soil.  Then you need to put the plant in the soil and tuck it in.  Give it some water, and it is ready for selling!" 

"Plants for sale!" 

Monday, April 29, 2019

Happy Monday!

This morning, friends practiced literacy skills by writing labels for the plants growing in our classroom.  Each wrote the words "bean and lettuce".  Some friends even thought of additional plant labels such as: "dill, pumpkin, roots, and trees."

Friends applied cognitive skills by using shape blocks to create patterns during small group.

Friends showing God's love by taking care of each other

Free Choice Time

"We need to add water to these plants so that they can grow."

Friday, April 26, 2019

Happy Friday!

We started our day practicing for singing in church on Sunday. 

We then had Master gardeners, Mr. and Mrs. Borcherding, come visit our classroom to answer some of our plant questions!

They helped us know when to plant our flowers and vegetables.  They also helped us decide where to plant them! 

Free choice time