Thursday, February 28, 2019

We were able to go outside this morning.  Praise God! 

During small group time the friends added the finishing touches on their items for our classroom house. 

They also explored number concepts! 

"What does three and two make?" 

"Let's count it out and see." 

'"It makes five!" 

Thank you to Mr. Anderson who helped in our classroom today while Mrs. Lipsey was out.  

With Mr. Anderson, the friends read books.  Our friends love to read!  I encourage you to read with your child at home every day.  It is not only fun, but it also builds important pre-reading skills.  :) 

Free choice time 

Finishing the sink 

Some of the friends chose to draw pictures and labeled their pictures with letters! 

The washing machine is ready for use! 

"Wait!  It needs electricity!" 

The electrician and his team set to work to be sure the washing machine and dryer would work. 

Exploring concepts of weight 

"This baby needs a bath!  Do we have a bathtub?  Wait! We can use this sink!" 

Writing together 

During Jesus time we reviewed the true story of Jesus blessing the children.  We sang songs about Jesus' love for us!  He loves us so much that He died on the cross and rose again to save us from our sins! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

This morning student council helped lead chapel!  They shared the story of transfiguration.  Jesus' most important act was dining on the cross and rising again to save us from our sins.  

After chapel, we ran and played in gym. 

During small group time the friends continued to sort letters by upper case and lower case with Mrs. Lipsey. 

They added a lot of details to our house items! 

"I think we need one pipes." 

The friends continued to explore numbers, counting, and practice collaboration.  

Free choice time 

Working on a stove for the house 

"You hold the pipe, and I will tape it." 

"We wrote our names on it so everyone knows we worked so hard on it." 

"Let's make another lamp!" 

Making a dryer for the clothes 

After the refrigerator was moved into the house, the friends had a discussion on whether it needs electricity and to be plugged in. 

We were not sure of the answer, so we looked at all of the refrigerators in our school and noticed that every one of them is plugged in.  We brainstormed why a refrigerator needs electricity. 

"To be cold!"

"The food will melt if it's not plugged in." 

We could have easily told the friends the answer that refrigerators need to be plugged in.  However, children's brains are impacted through experiences.  They would be able to repeat that a refrigerator needs to be plugged in if we tell them, but experiencing it for themselves makes more of an impact on their brain. 

We also noticed the pipes under the sink in the kitchen. 

Back in the classroom, the friends set to work making pipes for the sink. 

Watching the TV we made 

During second free choice time, the friends were excited to write books! 

"This is the library."