Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 Our bible verse for the week is: "I, the Lord, am your Savior." Isaiah 60:16.  We are learning that we have all sinned against God.  Sins are the bad choices that we do.  However, God sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Savior from all of our sins! 

Playground work 

Our friends are helping each other on the swings! 

Hill work 

"I'm putting these here so no one goes on the rocks." 

Some friends used grass and other natural items to make a bird nest! 

After snack we compared the moth to the cicada.  We discussed the similarities and differences between the moth and the cicada. 

"It (the cicada) is green and the moth is not." 

"The moth has fur but the cicada doesn't." 

"They both have wings!" 

In the outdoor classroom the friends read about the life cycle of butterflies.  While we were outside we received exciting news!  The caterpillars that we ordered came in the mail! 

Observing the cicada 

We were so excited to open the box and see them! 

"I see them moving!"

"They are eating!"

"They have lots of legs!" 

Comparing a moth and a butterfly. 

"See the feathers?  It's a moth!" 

We read the instructions on how to help our caterpillars.  This not only informed our friends, but it also exposed them to a different style of print - an instruction book! 

"This is a chrysalis.  It will be a butterfly but we have to be patient." 

The friends used the plastic replicas of the life cycle of a butterfly to enhance their play.  They are using the vocabulary of the life cycle in their play! 

After rest we were excited to go look for moths and butterflies.  By the grace of God I was able to catch a moth in my hand!  Unfortunately when I tried to put it in the holder, it flew out.  This made our afternoon so exciting.  The friends did a fantastic job regulating their excitement while still packing up their items. We observed the moth as it flew around the classroom.  We noticed that the moth seemed to really like the light! 

Again, by the grace of God, I was able to catch it and put it in a container for our friends to observe.  The friends noticed the color of the moth's wings and watched it fly around. 

The friends asked it we could keep it until tomorrow, so I put it in the butterfly net to keep it safe.  

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