Wednesday, September 27, 2017

We began chapel this morning with a baptismal remembrance.  Our 8th grade chapel buddies helped us! 

Pastor Matt shared with us today that when we rely on ourselves, we are like a balloon filled with pressure.  We are easily popped! However, when we rely on Christ, we are like a rock that can't be popped! 

Outside time

During free choice time, I worked with the friends independently to brainstorm about different jobs that robots do. 

During morning meeting we practiced recognizing letters as we played "Little Mouse." 

Second outside time

During second small groups we continued to explore shapes with the tangrams.

We practiced recognizing letters with Mrs. Lipsey.

With me, the friends played a game that helps increase shape recognition.

Second free choice 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

This morning we reviewed the story of Jacob and Esau.  We talked about times when we have felt alone, and reminded each other that Jesus is always with us!  

During small group time we read through robot books and discussed what we thought the robots were programmed to do. 

We reviewed shapes and used them to make robots! 

With Mrs. Zwettler, we practiced recognizing letters.

With me, the friends watched a short video of a robot.  We discussed what the robot was programmed to do. (Pack chocolates into boxes) We then discussed if a human could do that job, and if the friends would like to do that job. 

"A human could do that job, but it would get tired."

"A human could not do that job because it would need to play and eat." 

We then discussed why the factory used a robot and not a person.

"Because the robot is way super faster." 

"The robot can work all night.  It doesn't need sleep!" 

Outside time

The friends were very interested in the acorns that they found on the playground! 

During free choice time the friends explored the acorns.  As they explore the balance, they are learning about concepts of weight. 

The friends Arte increasing their observational skills as they discuss what they notice about the acorns.

Creating in the blocks 

Creation station

One of the friends helped another friend with the glue!  Great job showing God's love! 

During morning meeting we practiced identifying letters as we played "Little Mouse." 

Second outside time 

We loved looking for more acorns! 

During second small groups we watched another short movie and discussed what the robot was programmed to do. 

We continued to explore shapes and made robots with the shapes! 

With Mrs. Lipsey we practiced recognizing letters. 

Free choice time

Robot creations

"Mrs. Douglas!  I know the fancy word for this shape - rhombus!"