Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday, September 14

Hooray!  What a great day!  The caterpillars made their chrysalis!! 

Thank you for continuing to bring in the environmental print!  As we were reviewing our words today one of the friends said, "J!  We should write Jesus for J!"  So we did!  Our friends are so interested in the letters and their sounds.  I encourage you to continue to read print in your surroundings (in the car, in newspaper ads, etc.) and discuss the sounds that you hear in those words.  This is an important phonemic awareness skill!  Phonemic awareness is an extremely important part of reading.  

Playground work 

We remembered that our kindergarten friends brought a caterpillar from outside their classroom.  Before we left the playground, we stopped to observe caterpillars on the sunflowers outside the kindergarten classroom.   In our discussion as we observed the friends wondered if the caterpillars were eating the plants.  They also wondered when they were going to make their chrysalis!  One of the friends said, "Maybe it will be a cocoon because it might be a moth!" As we walked to the hill we discussed one of our important words: metamorphosis

We then went to the hill! 

After snack we read one of the books that a friend brought in to share! We not only saw many butterflies, (and some moths too!) but we also noticed the numbers in the book and practiced counting the butterflies. 

We noticed that two of our chrysalis fell in the jar.  I thought they were dead, but when I went to touch them to move them into an observation jar, they wiggled!  The friends were so excited!  We added them to our butterfly net and hope that they complete metamorphosis too! 

In the outdoor classroom we brought our clipboards to enhance our play.  In early childhood education, we incorporate many skills into our play!  

First, our friends read their own name on their crayon box. 

They then used the clipboards to take notes.  Some friends chose to drew pictures while others wrote words.  While the friends are not writing conventionally yet, their writing is extremely important.  

We incorporated our counting as the friend worked to count how many blocks tall our tower was.  One of. the friends took notes and practiced writing the numbers.  We practiced what number comes next, counting. with one to one correspondence, and practiced counting those tricky teens all within our play! 

Counting together 

"Be sure it is stabilized." 

"Let's make the towers equal." 

After lunch we practiced writing our names before heading out on our nature walk. 

"I think this is the same chrysalis as ours." 

We took our nature journals over to the outside of. the kindergarten classes and drew what. we noticed about the caterpillars. 

Then each friend took a turn sharing about their writings. The friends encouraged one another with claps and choruses of "good job!" :) 

After rest time we did some word work, writing books, and observed our chrysalis! 


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