Thursday, January 14, 2021

Yesterday was amazing start to our re-enrollment 3 day event. Over 90 students signed up to return to Our Shepherd for 2021-2022 and we couldn't be more thrilled.  If you did not get a chance to get your student re-enrolled, not to worry, today is a perfect day. Today, you can save $50 off of your enrollment fee. Mrs. Mattick is available from 8am-6pm for in person consultation in the narthex. We have devices available for you to use.  To start this process before we open it to the public, log on to , use district code OS-IN and use your username and password to get in! Most information is pre-populated for you on the enrollment packet.  We sincerely wish the best for all our families and hope that we can continue to share our lives and faith together.

Pastor Matt led our chapel today!  We learned that Jesus Christ is our rock, our firm foundation.  

He showed us how easily we can be moved if we are not on our rock Jesus.  

All of the friends wanted a closer look after chapel.  Some friends touched the sand and then the rock and compared the two!

"The sand is soft, but the rock is hard." 

We moved our large group time rug today.  Some of the friends needed new name tags on the carpet.  This started a discussion about how many letters we have in our names. 

"Benjamin has so many letters.  I think he has the most." 

After the friends discussed this amongst themselves for a few minutes I asked them, "How can we compare how many letters we have in our names?" 

The friends thought for a minute.  "Well we could write them down and count!" 

"We could make a graph!  You know, like the yes and no one!" 

We then counted the letters in each friends' name, added the results to our graph, and compared the results.  

It was then time to head outside! 

Back in the classroom the friends were excited to go right to work making books, doing puzzles, sculptures, block creations, and dominoes! 

After lunch we took a long walk to enjoy the warmer temperature.  

We checked out the bridge and noticed all of the trash in the water!  Someday we will have to come and clean it all out.  

We took a minute to pray and thank God for His beautiful creation.  We also prayed that we can take care of our earth.  It is such a special gift! 

As we walked back we noticed ice within the mud!

"It's not yucky, it's beautiful!" 

We also found something so interesting on a tree.  We discussed how not to touch anything we don't know because it might not be safe.  If you have an idea of what is pictured below, let us know!  Our friends (and their teacher ;) ) are curious.  :) 


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