Tuesday, January 26, 2021

This morning during NLSW devotions Pastor Matt brought us a present! 

It was a teacher!  He shared with us that there are so many gifts from God at our school, and one of the gifts that we have is our teachers! 

Back in our classroom, we had a dilemma!  I wanted to write a morning message to the friends, but I forgot out to write my letters!  The friends really helped me remember and showed me what to do.  Phew!  That was a close one!  

One of the friends brought some packing peanuts to share!  She was excited to report that they are the environmentally friendly kind.  Our friends are learning to care for our earth! 

This sparked a discussion about what we can do to take care of the world that God gave us.  We then read a book about what we can do!  I encourage you to have a discussion at home too of some things you can do to help take care of our world. 

After snack, we went to work. 

The friends drew plans for the bridge.  

They also made a checklist of what we need to do. 

Some of the friends began working on their books. As your child writes at home, you can ask them things about their story like, "What will happen next?"  "How are you going to illustrate that?"  "How will the story end?"  All of these questions support the friends as they explore the structure of stories. 

Making a prototype for the bridge 

"I am just using the squares." 

"If you move these, they jiggle!" 

Working on the bridge! 

"Let's get all of the big ones over here." 

One of the friends found a solution to the bridge! 

"I'm just hungry so I am going to eat this WHOLE THING!" 

"We need a pond!  Just like outside.  'Except let's have the creek go into the pond!" 

"I am drawing the fish in the pond.  Like the ones we put in there!" 

"I am drawing a frog." 

"We need more plants! Like at the creek there are plants ALL OVER." 

The friends moved the classroom plants around the creek. 

"I think this one needs some water." 

"Let's connect the other bridge to this one!" 

Working with the dominoes 

Our friends have needed more support in recognizing the volume of their voices in the classroom.  After lunch we had a class meeting and made a visual together to help us regulate the volume of our voices.  (The friends helped me form the letters as we worked on the sign because 
I kept forgetting how to do it! ;) ) 

We then did an obstacle course in the narthex. 

We also went to play games in the gym! 

Ask your child about the "dead cow, alive cow, sleepy cow" game we played in the gym.  :) 

We then ran before heading back to the classroom. 


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