Monday, September 25, 2017

This morning we learned the story of Jacob and Esau.   We learned that sometimes consequences of sin are scary.  We feel bad and we may even want to run and hide.  However, no matter the sinful things we do, Jesus forgives us and He is with us! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can trust that Jesus comes to us in His Word and Sacrament and strengthens our faith! 

Before small group time, we read this fun book about robots. 

We discussed what the robots in the book were programmed to do.  

(Put the boy to sleep.). We then discussed that every robot has a program, or special job! 

During small group time, the friends were given an opportunity to be a robot!

They were programmed to sort the liquid glue and stick glue without looking at them! 

After each friend had a turn, we looked through this book to see what other jobs robots are programmed to do.  We discussed that robots often do jobs that people don't want to do or jobs that aren't safe for people to do. 

Independently, the friends reviewed shapes as they made robots out of tangrams. 

With Mrs. Zwettler, the friends practiced identifying letters!  When you are practicing at home, be sure to use the words "uppercase" and "lowercase" rather than big and small or big and little.  :) 

During outside time the friends put what we have learned about robots into practice!

"I am a robot.  I am programmed to play chase." 

"I am a robot.  I am programmed to play going on the swings." 

As we were walking in, we noticed the dump truck coming to pick up the trash.  We discussed what the dump truck was programmed to do! 

Free choice time

As the friends created robots, they discussed what their robots were programmed to do. 

"It's a kite robot.  It is programmed to find children who do not have kites so they can have a kite." 

Creating together in the creation station! The friends practiced conflict resolution skills. 

"How many minutes until my turn with the tape?"

"Can I have the glue when you're done?" 

These are extremely important skills.

Some friends chose to practice the alphabet! 

During morning meeting we used the robot letters to practice identifying letters! 

Second outside time

During second small group time we read through books about robots.  We used the word we learned today (programing/programmed) as we read through the books. 

"What do you think this robot is programmed to do?" 

"Why do you think that the robot is programmed to do that?" 

I wrote down some of the questions that were asked as we read the books together. 

We again made robots out of tangrams.  We practiced identifying the shapes as we worked.

With Mrs. Zwettler the friends practiced identifying letters. 

During free choice time, some of the friends worked to write a program for some of our robots. 

Some of the fiends compared numbers during free choice time too! 

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