Tuesday, September 12, 2017

During morning meeting Zippy came and bragged about a medal he won.  We discussed how he may have been the fastest in the moment, but God is the one who blesses us so that we can do great things.  

We reviewed our bible verse by passing around blocks with the Bible words and pictures on it.  "Seek first the kingdom of God."  Matthew 6:33

During small group time, we worked together in the block center. 

We also re-told the story of the Three Little Pigs.

With Mrs. Zwettler, the friends painted their drawing of a pig. 

With Mrs. Helmkamp the friends worked to make a plan to build a house, problem solve when the plan didn't work, and adjust the plan accordingly.  Problem solving and adjusting a plan to solve a problem is a life skill that will enable the children to be successful. 

Outside time 

It sure feels like Fall outside!  :) 

Free choice time 

Look at the roller coaster some of the friends made!  One of the goals of free choice time is to deepen and extend the children's play.  We want the friends to work together to plan their play and engage in imaginative scenarios.  :) 

During morning meeting we worked to strengthen our expressive language and critical thinking skills. 

You can do this at home with your child.  Ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer.  I have added some questions below; feel free to ask your children these questions! :) 

"If you were a teacher, what would you do?" 

"If you could invent something new, what would you invent?  Why?" 

"If you could talk to an animal, what kind of animal would you talk to?  Why?" 

Second outside time

During second small group time we added straw to the house we drew yesterday.

We also worked with Mrs. Lipsey to re-tell the story of the Three Little Pigs. 

With me, the friends continued to make a plan to build a house, problem solve when the plan didn't work, and adjust the plan accordingly.

Second free choice time

Some friends chose to practice writing numbers!

During goodbye time we read a different version of the Three Little Pigs.  We talked about the differences between the two stories. 

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