Monday, March 20, 2017

Thank you Mrs. Bertoncini for helping us today!  Please pray for Mrs. Zwettler's children as they are sick at home. 

As a part of our flower shop/ flower project, the friends have discussed how important light is to help plants to grow.  Today, we explored light and shadows with a new center!  

We then checked on our plants.  Look how they have grown! The children's' observations and questions about the plants will continue to guide our project. 

"They probably had a lot of water and light over the weekend." 

"Why is that one falling over?" 

"I think it will be a sunflower.  I think it will be pink." 

"I wonder how tall they are going to grow?" 

Flower shop play 

Owen made crosses for his friends "to remind them that Jesus loves them."  He also wrote Jesus on the crosses.  :) 

During morning meeting we played a new game to increase our understanding of numbers.  We counted out ten cats.  The friends then closed their eyes, and some of the cats went to "hide" under a cup.  The friends then opened their eyes, and we counted together how many cats were left.  From that, the friends estimated how many cats were hiding. 

This game lays the foundation for further learning about subtraction and addition.  It also increases the ability to subitize as some of the friends look at the many of cats left and know how many are there without needing to count. 

Gym time! 

We played Moses Moses and did a relay before having some free choice in the gym.  

One team was short a person, so I joined in on their team.  :) 

During small group time we continued to explore the light and shadows. 

Jordan chose to draw what he saw in the light/shadows. 

We worked on still life artwork with Mrs. Bertoncini

With me, the friends documented the seed growth in our Flower Books. They then listed what they observed and any questions they have. 

During Jesus time we learned the story of Jesus riding into town on a donkey on Palm Sunday.  We learned that Jesus came to die on the cross and rise again to save us from our sins! 

Second free choice

Further light explorations 

Some of the friends noticed that the clear marble tubes were translucent!  I searched for other items that they could explore as well. 

Tangram exploration with the light

During second free choice we continued to explore the tangrams and light.

We did a second still life with Mrs. Morris.

Finally, we made invitations for our chapel buddies to come and play in the flower shop with us! 

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