Friday, March 10, 2017

Happy Friday!

Many of the friends were very excited to work on their books this morning!  

Some of the friends played with the seeds.  Some friends chose to sort the seeds and some chose to discover how the beans feel in their hands. 

In the library, Mrs. Hansing showed us a quick video about the upcoming book fair! 

Thank you Doug for reading to us this morning! 

Morning meeting

We practiced the months of the year with a song.  The friends stand up when they hear their birthday month.  This adds meaning to the months as it connects them to their lives. 

Elijah helped us with the calendar. 

Jordan led us in the alphabet. 

We engaged our bodies and brain as we practiced writing big body letters. 

Thank you Mrs. Andrews for the yummy flower treat!  We are blessed with some awesome families here at Our Shepherd! :) 

It was cold outside this morning!  We will plan to go outside as much as possible, so please be sure to check the weather so that your child is properly prepared for the cold.  Hopefully this is our last cold day!  (That is my prayer!) 

This week the friends have been asking where seeds come from.  Mrs. Cronauer had some dried sunflower seeds from her class, and she shared it with us!  We saw that once the flower is dried, the seeds are in the flower! 

During small group time, we planted the seeds from the dried sunflower.  We will plant the sunflowers outside our classroom window when they get a little bit bigger.  :) 

Mrs. Andrews helped us with a fun and beautiful flower craft!  Thank you Mrs. Andrews! 

We also continued to work on our books!  The friends are excited to write the words and illustrate the pictures for their books.  This promotes the love of reading and writing, letter/sound correlation, letter formation, expressive language, and so much more! 

During Jesus time we acted out the story of Zaccheaus.  We remembered that even when we make bad choices, Jesus always loves and forgives us! 

During second free choice the friends continued to explore the dirt, seeds, and planting. 

They also continued to work on their art project from Mrs. Andrews. 

We then had a dance party! 

During small group time we continued to work on our books.  Some of the friends made new books! 

We also continued the dance party in one group.  :) 

With Mrs. Lipsey, the friends played a beginning sounds bingo game. 

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