Thursday, February 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Ella!  We are so thankful that God brought you to Our Shepherd! 

During Jesus time we acted out the story of the Good Samaritan. 

As a part of our Car Project, since Mr. Marsh has visited, we have been asking many questions about various jobs people do.  These questions increased after our visit from Officer Dave.  Today, we had a visit from a fireman Chief George!  He answered our questions about Firemen, fire safety, and many other things.  Thank you Chief George! 

We were able to see the fire car.  We discussed how it is different than the fire truck, but it is still used to help people. 

In the gym we practiced fire safety as we crawled for a relay. 

Free play in the gym

One of the friends helped a sad friend in the gym!  We work to develop empathy for others in Pre-K. 

"Check out what I made!" 

The ability to focus on the task at hand while there is noise in the background increases children's divided attention.  Divided attention is one of the three components of executive function.  

One of the friends worked to fix the jail when it was broken! 

During morning meeting we prayed together to thank God for all He has done for us! 

We then discussed how we can solve problems with friends when they arise.  It is tempting as adults to solve problems for children.  "You have a turn then she has a turn."  However, as the old saying goes, "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.  Teach him how to fish, and feed him for a lifetime."  We are working to teach the children how they can solve these problems independently. As problems arise, hand them back to your children.  For example:

Child: "Mom, he said I couldn't play with him." 

Mom: "Hmm... that's a bummer.  How could you solve that problem?" 


Child: "Dad I want a turn with that toy but he has it." 

Dad: "Well, what could you do to solve that problem?"

If your child is unable to provide a solution, offer two acceptable choices.  For example you could say this: 

Parent: "Some kids choose to ask 'How many minutes until my turn?' and some kids choose to ask, 'Can I have a turn?' You're a smart kid.  You'll figure it out." 

This increases autonomy for future problem solving.    

Second free choice time

Exercising :) 

"Look!  I'm counting backwards!"

The friends' designs on the marble run have become quite elaborate!  

"We made two spinners!" 

"Let's fix this car."

"Yeah - it needs some tape." 

"I am going to make this for Dominick.  I am going to look at his name tag so I can write his name." 

"I see twenty of you!"

"I live in Indianapolis-cost, but if you ask my mom she is going to say, 'You are silly.  We live in Indianapolis.' I like to call it Indianapolis-cost." 

We continued to strengthen our ability to subitize and count with one to one correspondence. 

We strengthened our fine motor skills as we laced hearts. 

We practiced recognizing numbers with Mrs. Helmkamp. 

We played a game to increase one to one correspondence and the ability to subitize.

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