Monday, August 17, 2020

First Day of School!

 What a blessing to begin the year with you and your children!  You can tell how excited I was by the massive amount of pictures I took today! ;) 

 Today and for the next coming week or two we will be primarily focusing on learning the routines of school.  This sets our school year up for success and helps your children know exactly what to expect for the entire year.  This alleviates stress on your children's brains and allows them to focus on other things - such as learning! :)  

As we learn our new routines,  I am also learning how to best incorporate our new safety measures.  I want to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident with your child in our care, so please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any point with any question or concern. 

We began our day together in the gym.  We sang a hello song together and prayed with Mrs. Hedges.  

We then found our name tags and pictures in our cubbies.  The friends were excited to see their names!  They hung their things, washed their hands, and we had a short group time.  

We then went outside and explored our new Hill play area.  The friends practiced motor planning as they navigated the various parts of the Hill. 

We all crossed the "bridge" in a silly way before going back to our classroom. 

Back in the classroom it was already snack time!  Time flies when you're having fun!  We prayed, washed our hands, and sat down to eat. 

After snack time, we went outside for Jesus time.  We sang a song about Jesus, and I reminded the friends that Jesus loves them so much!  

We then explored the Outdoor Classroom.

It was then time for lunch!  

After lunch we went on a nature walk.  The friends listened carefully to the sounds around them and made observations of the outdoor environment. 

We were able to walk all the way to the music garden!  You children did an amazing job!

We explored the music garden and the friends ran in short spurts back to the classroom where we used the restroom, washed our hands, and set up our cots for rest. 

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