Monday, February 22, 2021


Happy Monday!  

Welcome back for another great week of school! 

After our morning routines, we wondered if the creek was frozen.  
We used a graph to organize our predictions! 

The friends continued to ask questions about the creek. 

"Does the cold make the creek frozen?"

"How deep is the creek?"

"Does our creek have sand?"

"How does the water make sound when we drop something in?"

Our interest in the creek is still high even after not being able to visit it for a while.  We will continue to move forward with our Creek Project! 

After reading some silly books and snack time, we bundled up to head outside. 

"Keep yourself safe!  It's super slippery!" 

We then headed over to the creek! 

We made it! 

"Look!  The water is moving!  It is not frozen!" 

"There's a beach ball in there!  How did that get there?" 

"Can we put some snow in there?" 

"This one will make a big sound!" 

We then discussed how deep we think the creek is.  This is one of the questions that the friends asked.  We also discussed that Mrs. Douglas is the only one allowed to go down there at this time.  

"The water comes up to the 7!  It is seven inches!" 

We wondered if it was the same on the other side too.  I went to check and find out! 

"This side goes up to the 8!" 

"Is the snow the same as the creek?" 

"It's up to the 7!  It's the same as the creek!" 

"No remember one side was 7 and one was 8."

"Oh yeah.  So the snow is the same as just one side." 

After lunch we had Jesus time!  We learned the parable of the Lost Son.  We also learned our verse for the week, "Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you." Colossians 3:13.

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