Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thank you for the many Christmas decor donations!  

This morning we worked together to spell a word - LOVE.  We discussed that Santa, elves, presents, cookies, etc. are all fun parts of Christmas, but the reason we celebrate Christmas is because our Savior Jesus Christmas was born!  We will keep these up in our classroom to remind us why we celebrate Christmas! 

We then went to the gym.  It was too cold this morning to go outside.  We use the following guidelines to determine if we can go outside or not.  https://www.c-uphd.org/documents/wellness/weatherwatch.pdf 

We used our decoration donations to decorate our classroom! 

"I made a tall tree. It is stabilized!" 

"It's a Christmas tree!" 

We explored sorting and counting. 

"They are in a line." 

"I am picking all of the baby ones." 

"Here's the green ones and red ones." 

"I am wrapping my present to put under the tree!" 

"I am making ornaments." 

"I am going to color this to make it for Christmas!" 

"This goes under the tree!" 

The friends worked on books and made Christmas cards too! 

"I am making a book about Christmas!" 

The friends wanted to make more signs for Christmas town, so we did! 

"Come look at the boat I made!" 

"Did you know that this is a Christmas song?" 

After lunch it was warm enough to go outside so we did!   Please be sure to pack mittens / gloves with your child each day.  If you find that often gloves go missing, you can use something like this to clip them on your child's jacket.  

We played with the ice in the outdoor classroom for a few minutes before heading in for rest! 


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