Monday, September 16, 2019

Welcome back to another week of school!

Did you know that outdoor play helps the friends learn how to navigate their bodies?  They are learning how to run without running into each other.  They are learning how to run and not get hit by the swings.  This is an important skill that will benefit them throughout their lives! 

Back in the classroom we investigated a microwave.  When the friends were telling their popcorn stories last week, I noticed some confusion between a microwave, stove, and oven.  We are going to explore those things this week to increase our vocabulary and understanding. 

We then drew a picture of the microwave. 

"I see rectangles in the microwave!" 

"I see the numbers and buttons." 

The friends also played a popcorn letter game to increase our exposure to letters, to practice identifying letters, and to practice identifying their sounds. 

Our class is full of motivated writers! 

"I'm writing popcorn!" 

"Popcorn for sale!" 

One of the friends wondered if popcorn sees would pop outside because it is so hot outside.  We voted to see what the friends thought. 

We then took the seeds outside and set a timer for ten minutes. 

"Wait! It didn't pop!" 

"Was it in the sun?" 

"Maybe it's not hot enough outside?" 

We then put them in the microwave without a bag, and they still didn't pop. 

Finally, we put them in a brown lunch sack, and the popcorn seeds began to pop! 

"One popped!" 

"Why did it pop in the bag, but not when it wasn't in the bag?" 

"We need bags like that for our popcorn store!" 

The friends began to play popcorn store during free choice.  After our experiments, we made a list of things we would need to make a popcorn store in our classroom. 

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