Monday, April 15, 2019

Happy Holy Week! 

Today during morning meeting we once again played the game to increase our understanding that numbers can be composed and decomposed to make new numbers.  We worked with the number 5 and 4 today! 

"We have five beads.  How many do you see?" 


"How many beads are hiding?" 


Gym time 

During small group time the friends explored various plants.  I documented the questions that they asked as they explored.  These questions will guide our project! 

"How do they smell so good?" 

"What is the green stuff inside the flower?" 

"Why are the petals different colors?" 

The friends also painted a picture of a palm branch.  We remember the true story of Jesus riding into town on a donkey on Palm Sunday! 

The friends also measured each other with palm branches.  They wrote the names and numbers on paper too! 

During free choice time two of the friends compared a rose and a carnation.  They decided to teach the other friends how to tell them apart by drawing pictures of them, listing their differences and similarities, and posting them in the classroom. This child -initiated experience is more meaningful to children (and makes a lasting impact on their cognitive development!) as their brain is engaged and motivated. 

The friends then used their poster to teach other friends! 

"I am writing a poster of how flowers grow so I can teach the friends too!" 

Exploring the various marbles during free choice time 

Making letters out of play dough 

"Look at all of the seeds have sprouted!" 

"Hosanna! Hosanna to Jesus Christ!" 

During Jesus time we remembered that while some people think Easter is all about bunnies and candy, we know the truth!  Easter is about Jesus rising from the dead so that He can save us! 

Second free choice 

We used an app called EPIC to learn more about plants.  EPIC is an app that reads books to children.  It helps increase one to one correspondence with words as each word pops up as it is read. 

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